Learn English – Idiom for “Single out” in a negative way


In a small group of people, the leader singled out Person A to pick on her. What's another idiom (that's a verb) to describe this action? There was a two-word idiom which I cannot remember. The idiom is used as thus: "The leader ___'d person A ____.

Best Answer

Your example makes me think of the phrasal verb, "Call out".

call out

vb (adverb) 1. to utter aloud, esp loudly

  1. (tr) to summon
  2. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) (tr) to order (workers) to strike
  3. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) (tr) to summon (an employee) to work at a time outside his normal working hours, usually in an emergency
  4. (tr) to challenge to a duel

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