Learn English – Idiom meaning let’s leave it at that


In Danish there is an idiom that litterally translates peace with that (fred med det), that indicates that the speaker wishes to end a discussion. Let’s leave it at that has the same meaning but a different tone. Is there something closer?

Best Answer

Let's agree to disagree

"The term 'agree to disagree' or 'agreeing to disagree' is a phrase in English referring to the resolution of a conflict (usually a debate or quarrel) whereby all parties tolerate but do not accept the opposing position(s). It generally occurs when all sides recognise that further conflict would be unnecessary, ineffective or otherwise undesirable. They may also remain on amicable terms while continuing to disagree about the unresolved issues." Wikipedia

This phrase can mean anything from "I don't want to waste any more time arguing with an idiot" to "you have valid points, but I am not convinced and I like you too much to argue with you" depending on the tone of the speaker and how he/she tries to change the subject right after uttering the phrase.