Learn English – Idiom or Expression related to Nepotism


I'm looking for an idiom or expression that relates to someone who is promoted to get them out of a department because they can't be fired due to politics, possibly nepotism. The promotion is not because they were particularly good at something, but because people wanted to be rid of them, but possibly due to family ties or political alliances there is no other way to be rid of them.

Does such a phrase exist?


Best Answer

Have friends in high places is close to what you are looking for:

  • to ​know ​important ​people who can ​help you get what you ​want.

Also: a person with connections:

  • connections [plural]: the ​people you ​know and who can ​help you:
    • He only got the ​job because of his connections! He has ​important connections in Washington.

(Cambridge Dictionary)