Learn English – Idiom or slang to show you’re scared and/or sorry


Is there any idiom, phrase or slang you use when you have done something wrong and you want to show you are really sorry?

Whether you are deeply sorry or you're just saying that because you are scared? Something that means "I'm really sorry and it won't happen again".
For example:

A: Not again! You used my car?!!! I'm gonna kill you!
B: (scared) So
sorry! It's not gonna happen again.

Something to use in B

Best Answer

To my knowledge, no, there's no common expression that you would use yourself.

Most people would add emphasis with modifiers like, "I'm so sorry," "I'm really sorry," "I'm terribly sorry," "I'm truly sorry."

Other people might get poetic with something like, "my heart is at the bottom of the ocean over this." But if you go there, you're making up a new one. It's not an idiom, it's new poetry.

Perhaps someone else has one I'm not thinking of. :)