Learn English – If a one person business is supposed to refer to their business as “we”, then how do you do this:


I want to try and sell my writing on the Internet. I have a registered business but it is just me. If I use "we" instead of "I" when building my site, how do I fix the "about" page? Is it not supposed to be about me and how I started writing? I am confused.

I do not want it to look like I am lying. It is just me and I do all my writing, but I am registered with the state, and I do pay franchise taxes every year.
I need help with how to word my about page since I have decided to try to sell some of my work. The way I have it worded now is about how I started writing and it is all about me, not "we".

Everybody says you are supposed to refer to a business as "we" but "we" does not exist. It is just me.
My url is customizedwallpoems.com if anyone would like to give me advice about my about page. I am not done so the site is not complete, but the about page is up, and it sounds more like a personal page than explaining how a business originated.


Best Answer

You need to proofread your website, which is charming but contains spelling and other errors. I think your "About Us" section should be re-named "About Me" for starters. You should say something like, "I was creating poetry before I could read or write," rather than "I started writing before I could read or write."

Anyone who can make money selling poetry these days is truly amazing! Best of luck with your new online venture.

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