Learn English – If additive is “something added”, what would be “something subtracted”


Yes I know I can check the dictionary. But I can't find this part.

Additive is both noun and adjective. The antonym for the adjective usage is subtractive, because it's an adjective too. But I can't find a noun antonym for the additive as a noun.

Best Answer

Additive usually refers to a chemical compound or foodstuff. A portion removed from such a substance is an extract. The specific case of a solid removed from a solution is a precipitate.

Tax and finance use a variety of words for subtraction (discount, deduction, debit, credit), and the mathematical term is subtrahend, but the word additive is not usually used in those domains. Likewise, documents and works of art don't usually have additives, but a portion removed from a document is sometimes called an extract just like a substance is; excerpt is also common.

Related terms used in arithmetic equations:

  • augend + addend = sum

  • minuend – subtrahend = difference

  • multiplicand × multiplier = product

  • dividend ÷ divisor = quotient

Augends, addends, minuends, and subtrahends are all collectively called terms. Multiplicands, multipliers, dividends, and divisors are all collectively called factors.