Learn English – I’m looking for a word that means “something must occur with another thing”


I'm looking for a word that means that something must occur with another thing. Almost as though it is mutually inclusive, however it must happen with another. Anyone know?

Sample sentence:

Tomatoes in a salad are not ______, salads don't have to have tomatoes.

I considered mutually inclusive, but mutually inclusive does not mean that it necessarily has to be together and that's what I'm looking to say. I'm writing a speech for a debate about immigration and I'm attempting to say that immigration from our Southern borders and crime are not together all the time and that Sanctuary cities don't facilitate drug problems and prostitution because they do not question immigration status. Like salads and tomatoes don't necessarily go hand in hand.

Best Answer

You could use requisite in the following way.

Tomatoes are not requisite for a proper salad.

The adjective definition is:

required or necessary for a particular purpose, position, etc.; indispensable:

with the noun form referencing that:

something requisite; a necessary quality, thing, etc.