Learn English – In the sentence ‘She seems nice’, is ‘nice’ a subject complement, verb complement, or both


In the sentence below, is nice a subject complement, verb complement, or both?

She seems nice.

According to this page, it’s a type of verb complement; but it also seems to me to fit with the description of a subject complement, as explained on this page.

Best Answer

The most traditional terminology is that verbs like seem are linking verbs that link the subject (or object) with their corresponding subject/object complements. A subject/object complement is also known as a predicative.

Predicatives are also complements to the linking verb, though: they are part of the predicate in the sentence. (With the verb be, in fact, they are the predicate, and the verb itself is just an empty placeholder that has to be there for the sentence to be grammatical.)

So the simple answer to your question is both. A subject complement or subject predicative is automatically a complement to the main verb in the clause, if there is one.

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