Learn English – Inversion for adverbial prepositional phrases


I do not fully understand how to use inversion for prepositional phrases. If I am not wrong, not all the sentence with prepositional phrases can be inverted; it depends on the verb. Thus, I'd like to know more verbs that can be inverted. I just know a few, for example, lie and be.
– under the tree lies a tall dog.
– at the corner of street is my sister.

I've seen people inverted the verb 'cover'. As in, Inside the room was covered by mondern paintings. Is it correct?

Best Answer

This is a difficult question to answer. The verb in your example is "was" and "covered" is a past participle. Your sentence should read, "Inside the room, modern paintings covered the walls" if you want to use cover correctly.

Your construction "was covered" is passive voice, and most grammar books suggest that you avoid it.