Learn English – Is a comma always needed before ‘although’ – or is it just a matter of style


I know it technically isn't correct, but to me it just looks awkward without it. For example (just reading through a friend's gig review):

The videos were surprisingly hard hitting, although equally I don’t
think Muse will ever get to the Rage Against The Machine level of
political activism.

I think this could be substituted for 'but', which is why I think it works best with a comma.

However, the phrase 'even though' sounds better without one:

It was incredibly heartwarming to witness even though I wasn’t able
to see him myself.

What are some opinions?

I'm bad with commas (a serial abuser of them), and I'm only really starting to learn English punctuation properly!

Best Answer

First, I don't understand the quotation, but I am assuming that "Muse" has some connection with the "hard-hitting" videos.

Personally, I would have put a comma before although: it gives a break in reading; and the part before although could be a stand-alone sentence, and makes sense without the extra clause.

Yes, you could probably use but or even though instead of although - but I don't think that should change the punctuation: all of them should be preceded by a comma for the reasons given about. Changing the actual words used, while still retaining the same meaning, should not (normally) result in a change of punctuation.

Commas serve many purposes. In this particular case (without going into detailed grammatical reasons), they aid the reader in several ways:

  • knowing when they can pause in reading the sentence;
  • in indicating that the writer is about to introduce an additional 'thought' and preparing the reader for that;
  • in indicating that the following clause is not essential to the first clause.
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