Grammaticality and Number – Is ‘A Wide Range of Features’ Singular or Plural?


In the office, we've been having a discussion about the grammar in a sentence and have differing opinions about what is right and what is wrong… It is a very minor issue but is still bugging me šŸ™‚

The sentence in question is:

A wide range of features is available.

Which sounds more natural to me if it is written as:

A wide range of features are available.

The justification for it is that the "is" is referring to the "wide range of features" as a whole rather than just the "features".

I was just about getting used to it when I decided to substitute a different word instead of "features". I just can't get my head around something like:

A wide range of sausages is available.

Further to this, if I substitute "a wide range of" with "various" then it has to be are.

Which one is right?

Edit: Thanks for all of the responses. I didn't expect to open up such a can of worms but now I understand the technicalities. I still prefer are in this case though šŸ™‚

Best Answer

ā€œA wide range of features is availableā€ is more ā€˜technically correctā€™ according to traditional prescriptive grammar, and arguably more logical.

Both forms are completely idiomatically acceptable, though; Google n-grams suggests that as of the 90ā€™s, they were roughly equally common:

enter image description here

That shows just this specific example, which appears only in recent decades, but there are a host of other similar constructions, going back for centuries, and in many levels of writing, not just casual speech. So well-informed modern grammars agree, both forms are completely correct; go with whatever you feel flows best!

Edit: Actually, in contexts like yours, are is probably rather more common than that graph might suggest. Looking more closely, of the results for ā€œrange of features isā€, quite a lot are in contexts like ā€œThe range of features is typically quite largeā€¦ā€, where ā€œareā€ wouldnā€™t make sense ā€” the predicate unambiguously applies to the range, not to the individual features. I canā€™t think of a corpus search that would weed out such cases; on a very rough perusal of Google Books results, Iā€™d guesstimate that in contexts like yours where either is idiomatic (eg ā€œā€¦a remarkable range of features is/are visibleā€¦ā€), the are form is maybe about twice as common as the is. (Thanks to @FumbleFingers for pointing this out in comments.)

Edit: as comments on other answers show, the two versions arenā€™t always interchangeable; one can certainly come up with examples where only one or the other is idiomatic. But in this specific example, both are quite fine, as the n-grams search above and more in-depth searching along similar lines illustrate.