Learn English – Is an “informed guess” the same as an “educated guess”


Do these phrases convey the same meaning? Is an informed guess by definition, also, an educated guess?

Best Answer

The following phrases share semantics (in appropriate context):

  • informed guess,
  • educated guess,
  • ballpark figure,
  • conjecture,
  • estimation,
  • guesstimate,
  • guess,

which are all listed as (potential) synonyms for approximation.

Differences: (emphasized, in every day use these are very subtle if present at all)

Educated guess, presumes established competency (formal or informal) in the field in which the guess is made.

Informed guess, I think, is typically used when the one who is making a guess got informed through a specific action. For example in such cases as after briefing, examination, interrogation or an interview.

Often the distinction is not made, because it can be said that in an ordinary context one can not be educated without being informed and vice versa.