Learn English – Is Chrome’s “this webpage is not found” correct


Chrome's webpage not found page (I'm running 39.0.2171.13 beta), says "this wepage is not found":

An image of a web page with a bitmap image of a piece of paper with a frown, with text saying, "This webpage is not found", followed underneath by the word "Details", which is underlined.

This seems wrong to me. I would say, "this webpage could not be found". "Is not found" seems to each page is always in one of two states, found or not found, and this one is in the latter, which is a fairly strange, if not completely incorrect way of thinking about things.

Is this actually wrong, or am I just used to seeing the alternate phrase from other browsers?

Best Answer

I tend to agree with you.

For various reasons 'This Web Page is not found' is not suitable.

I would say 'This web page could not be found'.

My second choice would be 'This web page has not been found'.

'This web page is not found' means almost the same thing but seems to have an air of greater finality about it - almost like saying 'it does not exist'. My suspicion is that it has been designed to suggest such finality, but without going the whole way to a commitment that "it does not exist".

But these are just the finely nuanced interpretations of a native speaker and not necessarily logically implied by the grammar.

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