Learn English – Is “have/has lead to” OK


I found a set of examples where I expect led instead of lead.

In recent years the rise in the crime rate has lead to increased concern on the part of both the police and the general public.

While these are just a few examples the number of results on a Google search is impressively high:

I pondered if using have lead to could mean that someone "has a lead position" and the preposition to introduces a comparison, i.e. subordinate person. But I don't think so. At least the cited example and the sentences in the link contain typos or even grammatical errors.

Hence I wonder if there is any specific in have/has lead to or if just too many people don't know that the past participle of lead is led?

Best Answer

It should be 'led'.

verb (past and past participle led /lɛd/)

The confusion is that the soft grey metal they used to make pipes out of is spelled 'lead', but pronounced 'led'.

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