Learn English – Is it correct to start a sentence with “Ad question one…”


I'm pretty sure I've read "Ad question one…" in the sense of "Addressing question one…" before, but the only usage on the web I find is by someone with a Hispanic name and m-w.com doesn't seem to know it.

I've always thought it was derived from a Latin expression and (therefore) sophisticated.

Best Answer

Here is an example. This is a German publication, and the authors hail from Spain and Argentina.

Software example

I find this also here, which is in ‘snippet’ view only; it appears to be in a formal reply of the Bundesrepublik to inquiries from the International Civil Aviation Organization:

enter image description here

I suspect this is an academic use of the Latin preposition ad, ‘to’, as in responsio ad questionem, ‘response to the question’. It is not, to the best of my knowledge, employed in English scholarship; OED 1 does not list it.