Learn English – Is it reasonable to use “by so far”


Is it reasonable to say: "This is going to be the most amazing day by so far!" ? I mean the "by so far" part. English is not my first language, but I caught myself typing so and started wondering where did I get that from. It's just without the "by" I feel like something is missing.

Best Answer

No. You're conflating two idioms with far:

  1. By far modifies comparatives and superlatives, and indicates that the degree to which they exceed other compared things is very, very great. This is the best one by far.

  2. So far is a distance measurement meaning as far as this. It's often used with the TIME is DISTANCE metaphor theme to mean up until now. This is the best one so far.

Since this is a superlative expression, you can use by far; since it means up until now, you could also use so far. Either one works.

But you can't use them together. Pick one.

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