Learn English – Is “Saffer” an offensive term for a South African


I've always believed that "Saffer" is a derogatory term for a South African.
But a few minutes earlier, I saw this tweet by ESPN:

enter image description here

So, isn't "Saffer" a derogatory term?

Best Answer

You might want to be careful using it with black South Africans, especially those who are culturally or traditionally inclined. "Old-school" black South Africans do not like to be called names they don't understand. In African culture every word has a meaning; colloquial language is considered to be rude especially when being used with elders. Do not say "Saffer" to any South African over the age of 35; that's where the modern boundary is drawn. However, you can ask; you might be surprised.

I am a young modern South African black female.