Learn English – Is “subtle” a positive, neutral or/and negative word


I wonder whether subtle is a positive, neutral or/and negative word? Looking up its definition, it seems that the word means things unclear for good reason.

For example, I  wonder if subtle can be used to describe a class that is not easy to understand? If so, would that mean more of that the class is difficult to understand because of the complexity of its content, or due to the inability of the lecturer? 

Best Answer

The word subtle is usually construed to mean "hard to understand due to intrinsic difficulty". It would be inappropriate to use that word to refer to a course or a subject which is hard to understand due to the incompetence of the teacher.

Subtle is sometimes used to describe something which is overly clever, and therefore wrong or misleading. But this semi-ironic usage of the word is itself pretty subtle (heh), and depends heavily on context. In any case, this doesn't sound like the word you want for your context.