Learn English – Is the complement considered a part of the predicate


Is the complement a part of predicate? For example, in the sentence: "He was the strangest person she had ever met" – "he" is the subject, "was" is the link word and "the stangest person she had ever met" is the complement. But at the same time, everything in a sentence apart from the subject, apart from the complete subject to be exact, is considered a predicate. On the basis of this can we say that complement is a part of predicate?

Best Answer

A predicate, defined, is the part of the sentence that modifies the subject. For example:

He ran quickly. (ran quickly is the predicate)
Ben read the book (read the book modifies the subject, and is hence, the predicate)

Having defined a predicate, let's analyse your sentence.
"the strangest person" describes the subject, "he". Thus, it is the predicate.
What about "she had ever met"? "She had ever met" is a dependent clause, that is modifying "strangest person". As it is not directly modifying the subject, but modifying something that modifies the subject, it's called the "secondary predicate":

A secondary predicate is a (mostly adjectival) predicative expression that conveys information about the subject but is not the main predicate of the clause. This structure may be analysed in many different ways.
These may be resultative, as in (1) and (2) or descriptive as in (3).
(1) She painted the town red
(2) The film left me cold

As "the strangest person she had ever met" was the complement, as well as the predicate, the complement in this case is part of the predicate.

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