Learn English – Is the idiom ‘keeping well’ recognized only in British English


I've seen the idiom 'keeping well' being used to mean 'in good health' in some contexts where British English is expected. But Americans seem surprised by it. Is that idiom uncommon in American English?

Best Answer

only cont.: Reverso (see below) records it as of 'exclusively continental usage'.

De tuenda sanitate by Plutarch: "Advice about Keeping Well"

Plutarch had more than a casual interest in medicine, for, besides this essay on keeping well, his other works abound in references to the behaviour of the sick and their treatment, and the medical practices of his day.

keeping well:

You can say or ask how someone is keeping as a way of saying or asking whether they are well.
only cont
She hasn't been keeping too well lately...

The only cont seems to refer to the usage in the continent alone, so it's alien to NAmer. usage.