Learn English – “Is there a word for a product used for killing mice?”


A building in a nearby neighbourhood seems to be infested with mice. A TV-News reporter was interviewing one of the janitors who said: "We tried to get rid of them but I don't think we used the right insecticide". Hey, wait, mice are not insects. I don't think we could use "insecticide" here, or could we? Is there a word or compound-word for a substance that kills mice? I thought of "pesticide" but I'm not sure it works in a domestic rather than in an agricultural context.

Best Answer

Rodenticides and biocides legislation

This page explains how rodenticides (chemicals used to control rodents such as rats and mice) are affected by biocides legislation. It is intended to help suppliers wishing to market rodenticide products in the UK, and people who use rodenticides, such as pest controllers

Health and Safety Executive (UK)

Definition of RODENTICIDE

: an agent that kills, repels, or controls rodents
