Learn English – Is there one word for higher “quality” and “volume”


I am not sure if such a word exists, but I figured it good to ask anyway:

I'm looking for a single word to describe something that has both better quality, and also higher quantities or volume of something.


"Our oceans provide more quantity and better quality sustenance."

"Our oceans provide better sustenance."

Is there a way to avoid other dull words like "better" or "more"?

Best Answer

Use abundant (overabundant) to describe something that exists in large amounts that are more than what's needed.

Near synonyms are plentiful, emphasizing "large amounts," and ample, emphasizing "more than enough

"Our oceans provide sustenance galore."


Galore means there’s so much that it’s unbelievable. The word is an example of a postpositive adjective, which means it comes after the word it describes. (vocabulary.com)

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