Learn English – Is this correct “I’ll be looking forward to helping.. ? Read on please


First of all some background. An acquaintance asked by email if I'm willing to offer advice on a project he's starting to develop. I answered yes for sure.He responded Wonderful,Stay tuned. I have no idea when I will receive the info to give my advice. This email was a few weeks ago.

Today I decided to let him know I'm still interested, a little reminder.

I wrote "I'll be looking forward to helping xyz (xyz- his name)."

A friend told me my above response sounds like you aren't yet but will be in the future. I didn't consider this before sending it.

He knows I want to help and it sounds like this project is a work in progress.I'm waiting to hear from him so I can offer advice.

What I wrote does it convey yes I'm looking forward to helping you? My friend is right? Or is this not a correct sentence and should be worded differently? Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

"I'm looking forward to helping..." is the correct sentence; but at the same time your intended meaning to be willing to help is obvious.