Learn English – Is this sentence grammatically correct


I would like to write a general sentence followed by a colon and three coordinate sentences in detail separated by commas.

For example:

I had a bad day: my phone was stolen, my leg was broken, and my girlfriend broke up with me.

I don't think it is grammatically correct but how should I correct it with similar sentence structure, or how do I correctly express my idea in this way? Thanks.

Best Answer

There's nothing wrong with the sentence.

There are some people who would tell you to remove the comma before "and" but I am not one of them. Keep the comma.

If your list included phrases that required commas, the commas to separate the items would be semi-colons:

What may sound strange is the odd passivitiy to "my leg was broken". I would usually say "I broke my leg" and not worry about forcing the items in the list to be parallel.