Learn English – Is using “I don’t know that” instead of “I don’t know if” grammatically correct


When asked whether he recognized equal rights of atheists, George H. W. Bush said1:

No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor
should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.

I would understand if he had used another verb:

No, I don't think/believe that atheists should be considered…

I would also understand if he had chosen another conjunction:

No, I don't know if atheists should be considered…

Is the original quoted sentence grammatically correct? Is it common to use know in the sense of think? Or is this some dialect-specific meaning? Could you please give some more examples of this usage of know?

1 Wikipedia source

Best Answer

The string I don't know that is grammatical and common and is used to express doubt. The use of subordinators if or whether after know would suggest a less firm position: he doesn't know or he's not so certain.

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