Learn English – (Joke) Batchers Vs. Butchers


Here's the script from Inside No. 9 Nana's Party

You can get them quite cheap now, can't you?

It's all Marks's, actually.
Apart from the ham, which I got from the local batchers.

From the what?

From the batchers.

The "batchers"? What's the "batchers"?

Leave her alone.
I like her talking posh.

It's not posh, Mother, it's proper

Oh, heh! We're not "proper", Mum!

I wanted BOTH my girls to talk nice! That's why I sent you for electrocution lessons.
You should say "batcher", Carol.

That's how you get on! Oh, right.

So what are we having for afters, "sammer padding"?

Well, I did make a trifle, but it's got quite a bit of sherry in it, so Kettle's boiled.

There's some talk of the joke:

I thought that the overdone 'batcher' joke was taking the piss out of northerners who try and sound 'posh' by changing how they pronounce the letter 'u' to match how they assume southerners pronounce it in words like 'butcher' – unfortunately they get it completely wrong because southerners pronounce the word 'butcher' as 'butcher' never 'batcher' lol

  • what's the deal about the batchers vs. butchers joke?

Best Answer

My guess is that the entire joke is that its being pronounced incorrectly, the other person saying "sammer padding" (instead of "summer pudding") is teasing the person who says batchers (instead of butchers).