Learn English – Less derogatory term for dump


I’m making a (multiple-)photo editing web-app, and there is a certain feature which allows users to sort of “hibernate” their accounts and log out, allowing them to pick up exactly where they left off the next time they log in.

The problem is that all this state data is saved in a directory in the user’s account, and right now I’m calling it muse dump or idea dump (because it is a JSON dump internally), but it sounds and looks horrible.

Bin, midden, and scrap look absolutely grotesque. Offload and session dump feels lifeless, dry and obviously not very appealing to the artist minded.

So, how do I describe this operation in two or three words? I definitely cannot use “slang” in this scenario.

Best Answer

Stack Exchange notifies you: Draft Saved. I'd simply go with Drafts.

Stack Exchange calls it *Draft Saved*. I'd go with simply, *Drafts*.