Learn English – Letter writing: Refering to enclosed items


I am writing a letter, in it I want to refer to other items enclosed within the letter, is there any proper way to do this?

As an example of what I mean, I was thinking something like:

… my id card (see item 1 enclosed) …

And then having an item within the envelope labeled item 1

I feel like I have seen or heard of a cleaner way to do this.

Best Answer

The word enclosure can be used. It not only means something that encloses, but also something that is enclosed. Dictionary.com defines this as definitions 1 and 2 here: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/enclosure?s=t.

It is common in business communication to say something like, "Please see enclosure 2 for a copy of my address proof," or "Please see enclosed item 2 for a copy of my address proof."

Usually, such letters have an "Encl." section right after the closing signature. For instance:

Dear Mr. Smith,

<body of your letter>

Yours truly,
Jane Doe

        1. Copy of Master's Degree award
        2. Copy of address proof
        3. Copy of Social Security Number allotment letter
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