Learn English – Looking for a single word for sudden realization of not understanding something


You try your best but not comprehend a certain topic for a very long time and eventually you begin to understand it. At this point you would feel sad because you spent so much time on trying to understand this very topic and realize that the topic was actually pretty straight forward to comprehend. What's word for this sad emotion you feel at this very moment? Thanks!

Edit: Thank you for the suggestions. Epiphany is close but it does not represent the sadness of the moment.

Edit2: Clarity.

Edit3: Not catharsis.

Best Answer

Try Epiphany 

a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something

an intuitive grasp of reality through something (as an event) usually simple and striking

an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosureb or a revealing scene or moment

Also, eyeopener

an experience or disclosure that gives one a sudden realization or understanding.

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