Learn English – looking for a synonym for “I believe that”


I'm editing the bio paragraph of a graphic designer's resume, where she has written a sentence beginning,

"I depart from the philosophy that…"

— this leads into a quick one-sentence summary of her design philosophy.

It is meant to be synonymous with "I take the philosophy that … as my point of departure" — but it's clearly ambiguous as written, and could be read to mean the opposite. However, this latter formulation is far too verbose.

Is there a way to say "I believe that…" as succinctly as above, without simply saying "It is my philosophy that…" ? "believe" is a bit too religious for my taste, and I think the sentence should begin with "I" in order to sound more active.

Best Answer

If in fact what the designer means is "I take [this philosophy] as the point of departure for [my work]", there's all sorts of ways of saying that fairly briefly:

{I start/My work starts} from the philosophy that ...
{My work is based/I base my work} on the philosophy that ...
{I build/My work builds} on the philosophy that ...
The foundation of my work is the philosophy that ...
It all starts with the philosophy that ...

And here's one I really hate—but it has a cheesily pompous contemporaneity she may find attractive:

Foundational to my work is the philosophy that ...

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