Learn English – Looking for a word that means provoking introspection


I'm looking for an adjective that means provoking introspection. Thought-provoking is close to the adjective I'm looking for but I would like a word that is more specific. Thought-provoking doesn't work since thought-provoking can lead to introspective thoughts but it can also lead to thinking about, for instance, politics.

Basically, I'm looking for an adjective that would describe a piece of work that causes a lot of introspective thoughts.

Best Answer

might the word be evocative: bringing thoughts, memories, or feelings into the mind; evoking or tending to evoke an especially emotional response.

  1. "so evocative that they bring tears to the eyes" — Eric Malpass.

  2. He wrote a powerful and evocative biography.

  3. the Italian-American restaurant is decorated in a manner evocative of the charming outdoor cafés in Italy.

adverb: evocatively.

noun: evocativeness.

Synonyms: suggestive, reminiscent.