Learn English – Looking for an idiom regarding trust


In my country, we have an idiom which literally means : people will not trust you ever again if you don't keep your word even just for once

Are there any idioms in English that is close enough to this? Thanks!

Best Answer

This feels quite close to me:

Fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - can't get fooled again.

No, wait, that's not it.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

There we go. Please ignore that first one, it's just someone fumbling it.

The proverb basically means "I'll trust anyone, and they shouldn't take advantage because it is a bad thing to do. But if they do trick me, I would be a fool to trust them again."

Another one that is somewhat similar is the Aesop reference boy who cried wolf.