Learn English – Meaning of “an identity of thought and being”


Hegel asserted that in order for the thinking subject (human reason or consciousness) to be able to know its object (the world) at all, there must be in some sense an identity of thought and being.

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The word identity is being used here in something like its mathematical sense. That is to say that thought and being are inextricable, that they are in essence the same thing, that human thoughts are in some sense governed by the condition of being human animals who interact with the world around us with human senses and human means of locomotion, et cetera.

Identity, in this context, means sameness. In mathematical (and computing) use, things share an identity if they are precisely the same thing. Adding or subtracting zero, or multiplying or dividing by one are identity operations.

In common usage, we are often referring to a metaphorical "on paper" or conceptual representation of ourselves when we use the word identity. It isn't exactly who we are, but who we think we are, who others think we are, or the distorted picture of us created by the trails we leave behind.