Learn English – Meaning of “higher thought”


Can anyone explain to the the meaning of "higher thought" in this context?

As the studies of Wilder Penfield shows us, the cerebral cortex—
which resembles a crumpled-up sweaty T-shirt— is likely the center of
higher thought.`

I am totally aware of there was a mind-healing movement that originated in the U.S. in the 19th century. Yet in this sentence, the meaning seems different to me.

Best Answer

In this context, higher thought is referring to cognitive science or psychology. There are two types of activity in the brain:

The brain controls both involuntary, or "lower," actions, such as heart rate, respiration, and digestion. Complex, or "higher," mental activity, such as thought, reason, and abstraction, is consciously controlled.

So the cerebral cortex is controlling the "higher actions"--thought, reason, abstraction.

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