Learn English – Meaning of once and while in “once in a while”


How did "once in a while" come to mean "occasionally, from time to time"?

I understand it is an idiomatic usage, but "once" means "one time" and "while" means "in the meantime" , so how can the expression be used to refer to a number of different times?

Has "once" or "while" also other, possibly archaic, meanings? I could not find any in online dictionaries.

Best Answer

I think "once in a while" is parallel to expressions like "once a day," "once in every two months" that also refer to periodic events. The expression after "once" tells us how long it is between the different times; the action is done "once" for each of these time periods, but multiple times overall. I know people have made this point in other answers and comments, but maybe rephrasing it this way can help a bit.

"While" does not just mean "in the meantime." The first definition of while in the Oxford English Dictionary is

A portion of time, considered with respect to its duration; = time n. 1, 2, rarely 4 or 6. Now almost exclusively in certain connections (see below), the ordinary word being time.

We can see a similar use in expressions like "I'll be gone for a while" = "I'll be gone for a time period of indefinite but significant length."