Learn English – Meaning of “the couple that boops noses together in between makeout sessions and sweet nothings”


This is a sentence I've come across while reading 7 Things About Love That Make No Sense

If you’re the couple that just stands on the sidewalk for extended
periods of time and boops noses together in between makeout sessions
and sweet nothings, you deserve to get breadcrumbs thrown at you.

Is a metaphor or some rhetorical device used? Why do they deserve breadcrumbs? What are boops noses and sweet nothings?

Best Answer

Booping noses means to rub together your noses as a sign of affection.

And sweet nothings are the meaningless sweet words of affection and love you'd say to your lover.

This sentence tries to say that if you are a couple who does that in a public place to the extent of making others uncomfortable, then probably you deserve to be ridiculed.


@Inglish Teeture is right about the exact meaning of "you deserve to get breadcrumbs thrown at you". That meaning somehow didn't occur to me :)