Learn English – metaphor of “lily” and the meaning of “emerging from the mire”


I ran into this:
"And you, Madame Lucrezia, flower of the Borgias, if a poet painted you as the catholic Messalina, a skeptical Gregorovious turned up and almost completely absolved you of that quality; so that, if you have not become exactly a lily, at least you have emerged from the mire."

I would like to know if there is a metaphor of lily in this text. if so, what does it mean?
more over, what does "emerging from the mire" mean?
I understand from the text that Gregorovious absolved her from the reputation for promiscuity.

Best Answer

The metaphors are straightforward, I think. A lily is a symbol of purity, in its whiteness and "cleanness." A virgin is a lily; a slut is coated in mire. (Mire, as in the couplet "muck and mire," is a wet admixture of clay and dirt, which if stepped into will be difficult to emerge from. If you're wearing galoshes, when you struggle to free yourself, your feet and your galoshes will likely part ways, given the sticking power of the mire.)

So emerging from the mire is a step in the direction of purity, but by no means a big step. Hence, the contrast between the lily and the mire is more ironic than realistic. In other words, the person who emerges from the mire is a very long way indeed from purity! The figures resemble a left-handed compliment. Suppose I ask a friend of mine how good-looking was his blind date last night. He responds, "Well, she wasn't a dog, but she wasn't exactly a hotty, either." That sort of thing.

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