Learn English – “My bad” versus “My mistake”


What is the difference between the expressions "my bad", which I believe is informal, and "my mistake"?

Is register the only difference between these two expressions?

I had never thought about it, but now that I think about it if someone said My Bad to me in Britain then I would assume in some sort of American English it would translate to the vocative "Oh, my bad guy."

In the past I have always thought it sounds amusing in a living way because it makes the person speaking seem unalphabetic (as in someone not good at grammar) in a funny and living way.

Best Answer

"my bad" (not only informal but also slang) is used to recognize that you're at fault. "I'm sorry" and "my mistake" convey the same.

  • my bad a way of admitting a mistake, and apologizing for that mistake, without actually apologizing.

  • "You just spilled your beer on my term paper!!" "Er... my bad."