Learn English – n English equivalent for “Les carottes sont cuites”, while keeping the vegetable reference


In French, we have this saying "Les carottes sont cuites", meaning "It's too late we can't do anything anymore" or "It's over for him" (He's dead) depending on the context.

The literal translation would be "The carrots are cooked", but I don't think it has a specific meaning in English.

I'm actually writing a short and silly story about how a fruit committed a hate crime on carrots, who are vegetables, and was planning to write this story in both English and French. If I can twist/find the goofy references on themselves the fruits would make in their dialogs in both languages, I have yet to find an expression in English that would mean "He is/They are dead" that would contain a vegetable reference, and it doesn't especially have to be carrots.

Best Answer

Although this isn't about vegetables specifically, I'm going to add it anyway—just so it doesn't get lost if comments are removed:

His goose is cooked.

From Wiktionary's entry for goose is cooked:

(idiomatic) All hope is gone; there is no possibility of success; the period of good fortune is over.

      If he doesn't win the next round, then his goose is cooked.

My personal experience with this idiom is that it can not only imply just bad fortune, but also terminal fortune.

Of course, a more generalized idiom, which doesn't carry quite the same specific weight—and which also doesn't mention vegetables explicitly (but could still imply them), is out of the frying pan into the fire:

The phrase out of the frying pan into the fire is used to describe the situation of moving or getting from a bad or difficult situation to a worse one, often as the result of trying to escape from the bad or difficult one. It was the subject of a 15th-century fable that eventually entered the Aesopic canon.