Learn English – n english word that means opposite yet complementary and orthogonal without a positive/negative connotation


I am looking for a word to use to describe technical traits of a programming language that are the opposite of each other yet complementary.

There is no positive or negative connotation to either trait. Similar to the concept of yin and yang.

For example “deserialization” is the opposite of “serialization” in that they are reciprocal behaviors to each other but also orthogonal as well, as in the computer science jargon that there is a fixed minimal set of instructions to do either thing.

I am looking for a word to describe the concept of this relationship and that this is the only way to do the thing that is being described.

Best Answer

Inverse Operations and Functions article on Massey University website

The operations put on and take off undo each other. If we do one operation then the other, we end up where we started. Put on is the inverse operation to take off. Take off is the inverse operation of put on. Such operations form an operation-inverse operation pair.

The same is true in mathematics. Most operations have an inverse operation.

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