Learn English – Name for a small, central unit of human memory


I am having trouble coming up with the word to describe a small memory which stands out amongst others. I thought of the word 'aphorism', describing a small and concise phrase, but I'm searching for a word more directly related to memory and in any concise, strong way – like an object, picture, or sound that can trigger or best capture the memory of a whole day or event.

Thank you for any input on this!

Edit: A phrase is fine, but a single word is ideal.

Best Answer

Technically, it would be engram:

A physical alteration thought to occur in living neural tissue in response to stimuli, posited as an explanation for memory.

A better explanation:

Associative retrieval is an automatic reminding process. It occurs when a cue automatically triggers an experience of remembering. Strategic retrieval is a slow deliberate search of memory to generate hints and cures. Strategic retrieval interrogates the automatic retrieval process.

Encoding the experience strengthen the connections between groups of neurons. The resulting transient or enduring changes in our brains are called engrams. The engram is the representation of a memory in the brain. A retrieval cue induces a pattern of activity: if this pattern is similar to a previously encoded pattern you remember the event.

Non-technically, it would be reminiscence:

  • an event that brings to mind a similar, former event.
  • an event, phenomenon, or experience that reminds one of something else.
  • the act or process of recalling the past.
  • a mental impression retained and recalled from the past.