Learn English – Need a nominalized synonym for the word “include”


My dictionary lists the following verbs as synonyms for "include":

  1. activities include sports and drama incorporate, comprise, encompass, cover, embrace, involve, take in, number, contain; consist of, be made up of, be composed of; formal comprehend. antonym exclude.

  2. don't forget to include the cost of repairs allow for, count, take into account, take into consideration. antonym omit, leave out.

But I need a NOUN not a verb.

Best Answer

Three nominalized synonyms or noun synonyms that sprung to mind:


The above examples, however, only work for the second definition of include in your quote, which means to take into account.

For the first sense of the word (to incorporate, comprise), you could try the following:

component • constituent • element • member • unit • item • ingredient • part • activity • type, etc.

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