Learn English – Need help understanding Intransitive Verbs in these sentences


I know intransitive verbs are action verbs that have no receiver (or object), such as "She smiled." In the following sentence, "arrived" is the intransitive verb: "Huffing and puffing, we arrived at the classroom door with only seven seconds to spare."

I'm having trouble with this because I can see "door" as the object. "We arrived at the door."

Another example that puzzles me is "My brother laughed at the joke." The intransitive verb is "laughed." I don't understand why "joke" is not the object because that's what was laughed at.

Please help clear up my reasoning.

Best Answer

You are confusing adverb(ial phrase)s with objects. In your example sentence

[... W]e arrived at the classroom door with only seven seconds to spare.

The new arrivals did nothing to the classroom that would make it an object of the action. Both "at the classroom" and "with only seven seconds to spare" are adverbial phrases. They refine the action described by the sentence, explaining where the subjects arrived and when. These are two of the major categories of adverbs. Some of the other categories are words or phrases that describe why or how the action occurred:

My brother laughed loudly at the joke.

There "loudly" is an adverb, and "at the joke" is an adverbial phrase.

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