Learn English – Need one word that defines funny, clever but also blunt


I have a colleague who comes up with really very clever and funny things to say, but they are also very blunt. Is there a word (or two) that can describe this?

Best Answer

The phrase trenchant wit refers to humor that is “keen; biting; vigorously effective and articulate; severe”. Phrases mordant wit and caustic wit also sometimes are used. Synonyms or words related to those three suggestions include acidic, biting, burning, corrosive, searing; acerbic, bitchy, catty, mordacious, nasty, sharp, spiteful. But most of those are sharper than one desires for referring to humorous things.

Some related nouns (rather than adjectives) include repartee (“A swift, witty reply, especially one that is amusing” or “A conversation marked by a series of witty retorts”) and riposte (“a quick and usually witty response to a taunt, a retort”).