Learn English – ny difference between “as before” and “as like before”


Suppose, in an English language written exam, there is a question which asks to write a formal report comparing two maps (which are given in the question paper). (note: I have attached the maps here, please check).

Both the maps are for SAME island, showing past and present condition of the island.
While writing the report, in the first paragraph I have written about what things were on the island in the past. I have written –

There were some trees on both sides of the island.

I also have written some other things in the first paragraph. In total 2-3 sentences in the first paragraph.

In the 2nd paragraph, I have written about all the things/improvements which can be seen from the present map of the island.

In the 2nd paragraph, I talked about the houses, pear [pier], swimming area, foothpath etc. After that I talked about trees like this –

The trees on the right portion are still there as before.

By "as before", I meant "as/like in the previous (past) map" .

Someone told me that, "as before" is WRONG. The correct usage is "as like before". —

The trees on the right portion are still there as like before.

I am not sure which one is correct?

enter image description here

Best Answer

"As like before" is incorrect.