Learn English – One time, I asked the mom how come the little sister doesn’t feed them. Why past tense “asked” and present tense “feed”


Taking a test for fun to improve my English. English is my third language and it is very hard. I have been googling and getting more confused. I ran across this sentence "One time, I asked my mom how come my little sister doesn't feed them."

Link to the whole quiz at http://www.englishforeveryone.org/PDFs/To_Be_Exercise_4.pdf

I was wondering. Why is "feed" in present tense and "asked" is in past tense? How do i find out more about this kind of sentence structure.

Should it be "I asked my mom how come my little sister doesnt fed them"
"I asked my mom how come my little sister didnt feed them"
"I asked my mom how come my little sister didnt fed them"



I was doing a fill in the blanks quiz. Below is half of the quiz.

Next, I feed the pigs. One time, I asked my mom how come my little sister
doesn’t feed them. She said it is because my sister (be, not) ____ ____(8) strong
enough. But I still don’t understand. She is almost as strong as me! I guess my
mom doesn’t want my sister to get hurt. After all, the pigs can (be) ________(9)
pretty rough, especially when they (be) ________(10) hungry.

This is how I feel right now after reading all the responses.


Everything is not so straightforward.

Thank everybody who contributed. When I wake up tomorrow, I will work more on it.

Best Answer

In this case is more a matter of aspect than tense.

English has both tense and aspect, but encodes them ambiguously, using the same words, particles and morphemes for both.

If you use the past tense for the subclause like this: "I asked mum how come my sister didn't feed him." Then you are also making the aspect a single action at a single point in time, instead of the habitual aspect that is needed here.

The most important thing in this context is that it's still possible, when the whole sentence is spoken, for the little sister to feed them. The concept that (s)he asked his/her mum about is still current. So in the subclause the habitual aspect is given through the simple present form.

If you use the perfect it's possible to make it past tense and continuous aspect: "I asked mum how come my little sister hasn't been feeding them" but then you lose some of the emphasis that it's still possible for her to be doing it now.

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