Learn English – One-word adverb meaning ‘with difficulty’, ‘not easily’


Is there a one-word adverb meaning 'with difficulty', 'not easily'?

I am working on a grid for assessing pronunciation in speaking (correct sounds, correct intonations) and want to have a scale on which someone is judged 'hardly – not easily – fairly – easily – perfectly' intelligible.

This adverb, if it exists, is 'difficultly' found, you must admit!

Best Answer

I believe for simple reviews of this sort, it might be best to consider a block grid, where left to right is less clear to more clear, and bottom to top is less correct to more correct. Then you could even average the scores or create a coordinate plot depending on the goal. If the goal is to address clarity of speech, that should receive the emphasis; if the goal is to address correctness of grammar, that should receive the emphasis; etc.

Then you also don't need to worry about the adverbs/words to use.

Something like this:

Evaluation Grid

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