Learn English – One word for a man who feels vulnerable about his wife


What would we call a man who is always suspecting, distrustful and worried about his wife being wooed by other men? He considers his wife naive and the world (other men) as predators in waiting.

It would definitely have negative meanings since the wife is just the opposite, i.e. she is unsuspecting.

Best Answer

"Insecure" is a pretty accurate word. Being insecure about your relationship can mean you are constantly worried and suspicious that your partner is attracted or involved with someone else. Bear in mind that insecurity has a wider application and can go beyond a mistrusting feeling in a relationship(see below).

Another accurate example would be "Jealous".

However, jealousy is a much more temporary condition/feeling often caused by insecurity, which is a long term (and more concerning) personality trait. All men can experience jealousy, but insecure men are affected more frequently and severely.