Learn English – One word for “any way around it”


Let us say I frame a sentence as follows:

Is there any way around this problem?

I want to convey the feeling that bypass, or trick without actually using the problem, without actually dealing with it.

P.S.: It may so happen that my actual sentence does not convey this feeling either. I am learning English and am new to it.

Best Answer

Andrew suggested a good word choice to use in an alternative to your example sentence, which would be something like this:

Can the problem be circumvented?


Is there a way to circumvent the problem?

As for a one word substitute for "any way around it", you might consider alternative.

Your sentence becomes Is there an alternative to this problem?

I would suggest a slight modification of this, though, which might not exactly answer your question:

Is there an alternative to addressing/facing this problem?

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