Learn English – One Word Synonym for “Tired” as in Exercising/Running


Is there a single synonym for "Tired" that only fits for the exercising "Tired" and not the sleepy "Tired"? Exhausted would work, but you could also use exhausted if you were very sleepy. I want this because I am making a card game with a word and a single definition. Here is a sample sentence that it would fit in, and another sample sentence that it should not fit in.

Should fit in:

After Mary ran 10 miles, she was _____.

Should not fit in:

After a long day of work, Gary was _____.


Best Answer

This is as close as I could come up with: Spent. The Oxford Dictionaries says this:



  1. Having been used and unable to be used again.
    ‘a spent matchstick’

    1.1 Having no power or energy left.
    ‘the movement has become a spent force’

While this could apply to work or other non-exercise pursuits, I've generally seen it used only for working out or playing (well, one other use, but you're not old enough for that. 8^)